Saturday, October 3, 2015

MaxBounty Affiliate Marketing Network Review

So I have been a member of the MaxBounty network for about 6 months and although it gets a lot of praise for being one of the top networks I unfortunately disagree.  That does not mean I completely dislike the network but I believe better exists.

To start off I would like to inform you of the aspects and features of the network that I do like.  The advertisers in the network provide great offers to promote and there is no shortage of offers either. In addition new offers are constantly being added so your always promoting fresh offers to your traffic or subscribers.  I also like their reports and the ease of being able to run one at anytime.  Another positive aspect is that payments are pretty prompt depending upon your numbers and payment methods are not lacking.  Lastly the affiliate managers are friendly and helpful which is nice.

Now lets look at the dislikes of the MaxBounty network.  To start off a response to an issue sent via email on a few occasions was in my opinion slow the longest being nearly 3 days too long for me.  Another dislike of the network is the reporting system I feel may not be accurate so if you choose to join always use your own link tracking to prevent lost commissions.  My final dislike involves the cancellation of offers which I have found to be somewhat to frequent and I don't enjoy receiving a cancellation notice after spending hours creating a video, landing page or spending cash on a pay per click campaign it and after a few instances it can be very frustrating to say the least

So there you have it my unbiased review of the MaxBounty affiliate network.  You never know your experience may differ from mine so by all mean apply and check it out for yourself.  Join Here !

**Update as of Jan 2016**

Have yet to earn a commission check from the Max Bounty advertising network and still think their reporting is not accurate but I am finding this to be a common issue with just about every CPA, PPD, PPI, or any other type of affiliate network that I promote offers for.  So my advice to asll if you plan to seriously promote offers for any advertising network or currently are make sure track your own traffic and  conversions because by not doing so your giving these networks a freebies that you cannot contest or may not even be aware of.  I know as much hard work and effort I put into creating traffic that I am not trying to just give it away.