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Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Monday, October 5, 2015
Tips To Keyword Efficiency
Internet marketing is fast becoming the advertising method of choice of small businesses. They get maximum exposure and internet traffic from prospective purchasers and customers. In fact, according to ISP Interland, small home businesses and medium scale companies (SMBs) are getting returns that are significantly higher because of their online marketing strategy. Also, more than half of business owners are saying that the increase in their monthly revenues are due to online purchases. Aside from this, most of their offline sales are due to the influence of their websites and online marketing.
However, it is surprising that not all are using search engine optimization when in recent years, search engines are essential tools for buyers. Instead of companies and businesses looking for clients online, it is the buyers that are looking for worthy purchases on the internet. Studies and surveys show that over two-thirds of SMBs’ online and offline sales are fueled by online researches. It is therefore crucial for SMBs’ products, services, and company names to appear in these searches. Visibility in search engines is part of a good and efficient internet marketing plan, but merely appearing on these searches. What these SMBs need are effective keywords that draw customers in and not just visitors.
Visibility in search engines is effectively linked to credibility and brand awareness. Sally Falkow, an online marketing specialist suggests that optimizing press releases gives SMBs excellent visibility and keep them on the consumers’ radar. Falkow provides another useful tip: giving these releases “news” appeal gives them credibility. Aside from these general tips from a specialist, there are other guides that SMBs rely on in internet marketing.
Researching and testing keywords is an effective way to find the most popular combinations. Sites like WordTracker and Overture help in selecting keywords. Internet marketing optimization benefits from the use of phrases rather than a single word as keyword. Jill Whalen, search consultant for High Rankings, says that more specific keywords draw and attract real customers and not just people who are browsing around. It is also important to mix general terms and specific words as keywords; this way, SMBs draw in all prospective clients. It is also a good idea to include the company name and title tags as part of the keywords. The use of jargon is also a good idea especially if the SMBs’ products are industry-specific. Linking keyworded articles to other articles or sites is also an effective strategy. Lastly, it is vital that SMBs be honest about the service and product that they offer to avoid disappointed buyers. It is one thing to advertise a product and a completely different thing to exaggerate about its features.
However, it is surprising that not all are using search engine optimization when in recent years, search engines are essential tools for buyers. Instead of companies and businesses looking for clients online, it is the buyers that are looking for worthy purchases on the internet. Studies and surveys show that over two-thirds of SMBs’ online and offline sales are fueled by online researches. It is therefore crucial for SMBs’ products, services, and company names to appear in these searches. Visibility in search engines is part of a good and efficient internet marketing plan, but merely appearing on these searches. What these SMBs need are effective keywords that draw customers in and not just visitors.
Visibility in search engines is effectively linked to credibility and brand awareness. Sally Falkow, an online marketing specialist suggests that optimizing press releases gives SMBs excellent visibility and keep them on the consumers’ radar. Falkow provides another useful tip: giving these releases “news” appeal gives them credibility. Aside from these general tips from a specialist, there are other guides that SMBs rely on in internet marketing.
Researching and testing keywords is an effective way to find the most popular combinations. Sites like WordTracker and Overture help in selecting keywords. Internet marketing optimization benefits from the use of phrases rather than a single word as keyword. Jill Whalen, search consultant for High Rankings, says that more specific keywords draw and attract real customers and not just people who are browsing around. It is also important to mix general terms and specific words as keywords; this way, SMBs draw in all prospective clients. It is also a good idea to include the company name and title tags as part of the keywords. The use of jargon is also a good idea especially if the SMBs’ products are industry-specific. Linking keyworded articles to other articles or sites is also an effective strategy. Lastly, it is vital that SMBs be honest about the service and product that they offer to avoid disappointed buyers. It is one thing to advertise a product and a completely different thing to exaggerate about its features.
35% Revenue Increase from Your Website!
35% of visitors fail to achieve their goal when they visit company websites! By following 2 simple rules, you can increase your web-derived revenue by 1/3 or more!
Renowned website usability researcher, Jakob Nielsen, today (Nov 24) published results of his latest study. His test subjects used 139 websites. On average, they failed to find what they were looking for 35% of the time. Shockingly, 37% of users couldnt even find company location details!
What was surprising was that users didnt give up. They generally found the information they were after but they found it at a competitors site!
So how do you stop potential customers falling into the hands of your competitors? Nielsen is right when he suggests user research. Yes, its imperative that know what your users need at your site. But what he doesnt say is how to structure your website so it meets users needs.
There are two golden rules:
1) Write first, build later
2) Write to your customer
Write first, build later
The real message on most websites is in the writing. It makes sense, then, that the writing should determine the structure.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for most businesses. For them, the writing is an afterthought. They structure and design their website first, then try to fit the writing to the structure. This flies in the face of common sense. When you speak to someone, you structure your speech around your message. You dont decide on a structure, then change the message to suit!
For a truly usable website, you need to plan what you want to say before you create the site perhaps even write the whole thing. The message the writing should determine the structure.
Write to your customer
So how do you decide what to write?
Firstly, dont think, What do I want to say?. When youre writing a website, you have to think, What does my customer want to know?. Its a very subtle difference, but its the key to engaging writing. And thats what you want to do engage the customer.
Most customers will want to know the basics:
– What do you do?
– What benefit do you offer them?
– Why should they choose your service or product?
– Why should they choose your service or product and not your competitors?
– What does it cost?
– How can they contact you?
– Where are you located?
Your website has to communicate a lot of information. And to make matters worse, youre going to have limited screen real-estate. Ideally, your customer wont have to scroll especially on your homepage (all your information will fit within a single window). And you cant fill the whole screen with writing, either. The design and navigation elements take up about a third of the window, and you should leave a bit for white space (you dont want to overwhelm your customer). As a rule of thumb, you should expect to have about 1/3 of the window at your disposal for the writing.
Chances are, right now youre thinking, How am I going to fit it all in?. Well, thats where your writing skills come in. Choose your words very carefully
Websites can be an extremely powerful piece of marketing collateral. You can reach millions for just a few hundred dollars. Unfortunately, your competitors can do the same thing. Its a level playing field, but there are a lot of players. Its important that your thoughts are structured, otherwise your site will be a mess. If your message is clear, your site will be simple and easy to use. Its all in the words
8 More Reasons to Write for Your Audience
1) There are approximately 550 billion documents on the web
2) Every day another 7 million are added
3) Workers take so long trying to find information that it costs organisations $750 billion annually! (A.T. Kearney, Network Publishing study, April 2001)
4) Reading from a monitor is 25% slower than reading from paper. (Sun Microsystems, 1998)
5) Helpful content develops site loyalty. The average person visits no more than 19 websites in the entire month in order to avoid information overload. (Nielsen NetRatings in Jan 2001)
6) 79% of users scan read when online (Sun Microsystems, 1998)
7) Information gathering is the most common use of the Internet – 73% (American Express survey, 2000)
8) 48% of people use the Internet to find work-related information as opposed to 7% who use magazines. (Lyra Research, 2001)
Renowned website usability researcher, Jakob Nielsen, today (Nov 24) published results of his latest study. His test subjects used 139 websites. On average, they failed to find what they were looking for 35% of the time. Shockingly, 37% of users couldnt even find company location details!
What was surprising was that users didnt give up. They generally found the information they were after but they found it at a competitors site!
So how do you stop potential customers falling into the hands of your competitors? Nielsen is right when he suggests user research. Yes, its imperative that know what your users need at your site. But what he doesnt say is how to structure your website so it meets users needs.
There are two golden rules:
1) Write first, build later
2) Write to your customer
Write first, build later
The real message on most websites is in the writing. It makes sense, then, that the writing should determine the structure.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for most businesses. For them, the writing is an afterthought. They structure and design their website first, then try to fit the writing to the structure. This flies in the face of common sense. When you speak to someone, you structure your speech around your message. You dont decide on a structure, then change the message to suit!
For a truly usable website, you need to plan what you want to say before you create the site perhaps even write the whole thing. The message the writing should determine the structure.
Write to your customer
So how do you decide what to write?
Firstly, dont think, What do I want to say?. When youre writing a website, you have to think, What does my customer want to know?. Its a very subtle difference, but its the key to engaging writing. And thats what you want to do engage the customer.
Most customers will want to know the basics:
– What do you do?
– What benefit do you offer them?
– Why should they choose your service or product?
– Why should they choose your service or product and not your competitors?
– What does it cost?
– How can they contact you?
– Where are you located?
Your website has to communicate a lot of information. And to make matters worse, youre going to have limited screen real-estate. Ideally, your customer wont have to scroll especially on your homepage (all your information will fit within a single window). And you cant fill the whole screen with writing, either. The design and navigation elements take up about a third of the window, and you should leave a bit for white space (you dont want to overwhelm your customer). As a rule of thumb, you should expect to have about 1/3 of the window at your disposal for the writing.
Chances are, right now youre thinking, How am I going to fit it all in?. Well, thats where your writing skills come in. Choose your words very carefully
Websites can be an extremely powerful piece of marketing collateral. You can reach millions for just a few hundred dollars. Unfortunately, your competitors can do the same thing. Its a level playing field, but there are a lot of players. Its important that your thoughts are structured, otherwise your site will be a mess. If your message is clear, your site will be simple and easy to use. Its all in the words
8 More Reasons to Write for Your Audience
1) There are approximately 550 billion documents on the web
2) Every day another 7 million are added
3) Workers take so long trying to find information that it costs organisations $750 billion annually! (A.T. Kearney, Network Publishing study, April 2001)
4) Reading from a monitor is 25% slower than reading from paper. (Sun Microsystems, 1998)
5) Helpful content develops site loyalty. The average person visits no more than 19 websites in the entire month in order to avoid information overload. (Nielsen NetRatings in Jan 2001)
6) 79% of users scan read when online (Sun Microsystems, 1998)
7) Information gathering is the most common use of the Internet – 73% (American Express survey, 2000)
8) 48% of people use the Internet to find work-related information as opposed to 7% who use magazines. (Lyra Research, 2001)
Affiliate Marketing General
Top 7 Fundamentals for Google Optimization!58th
Top 7 Fundamentals for Google Optimization! Google SEO Tips and Techniques by Expert!
Who doesn’t want to get Top Ranking Positions in Google? 1st Page Placement in Google is NOT difficult, you need to follow Google Optimization Guidelines, and this Article has Summary of the Seven Fundamentals for Google Optimization.
Google optimization is about following Google guidelines, Google likes ethical SEO practices, those SEO practices which are to help website owners as well as Google and it has published guidelines for optimization.
Top 7 Fundamentals for Google Optimization
Fresh and Original Content
Clean and Validated Code
Easy and Accessible Navigation
Good Interlinking of Web pages
Healthy and Relevant Incoming Links
Domain Age and Registered Period For
Same Contacts at Site and Domain Registration
Fresh and Original Content
Google love fresh and original content on web page, selectable content/text copy of your web page, google can’t read content on images or at pics.
Clean and Validated Code
Clean and validate code helps google to crawl deeply, try to put content at the beginning of your web page, ignore nesting, javascript or comments, in fact try to shorten the text format with the help of external CSS.
Easy and Accessible Navigation
Text or image base navigation helps google to read, google bot can’t read javascript, dhtml, flash base navigation, try to avoid using these practices which google doesn’t like. Keep your navigation at top or left side of the web pages, make sure to add a sitemap page which will guide web surfers and web bots to each and every page of your website, if you have huge website then make sure to add at least all main categories’ links at sitemap page.
Good Interlinking of Web pages
Web links are like roads and streets at website, make sure all website’s internal links are text base or image base, with relevant content.
Healthy and Relevant Incoming Links
Google likes referred websites, specially referred from quality and relevant resources. The more referrer links the more top rankings. Here one thing should be remembered that one relevant incoming links is better than hundred irrelevant links.
Domain Age and Registered Period For
Google started keeping new registered domains in sandbox since April 2004, in sandbox almost all new domains kept on probationary period for 6 to 8 months, in some cases for longer period, Sandbox domains don’t get good rankings.
Google also likes to rank better to those domains which are registered for longer period like for 5 or 10 years, because whoever registered domains for longer period shows how much s/he is serious with her/his business and most probably won’t do SPAM with those domains.
Same Contacts at Site and Domain Registration
Google likes true businessmen and a true businessman doesn’t misguide his website visitors, google likes those websites which have physical mailing address to their contact pages and google compares it with that physical mailing address which is used in domain registering.
Who doesn’t want to get Top Ranking Positions in Google? 1st Page Placement in Google is NOT difficult, you need to follow Google Optimization Guidelines, and this Article has Summary of the Seven Fundamentals for Google Optimization.
Google optimization is about following Google guidelines, Google likes ethical SEO practices, those SEO practices which are to help website owners as well as Google and it has published guidelines for optimization.
Top 7 Fundamentals for Google Optimization
Fresh and Original Content
Clean and Validated Code
Easy and Accessible Navigation
Good Interlinking of Web pages
Healthy and Relevant Incoming Links
Domain Age and Registered Period For
Same Contacts at Site and Domain Registration
Fresh and Original Content
Google love fresh and original content on web page, selectable content/text copy of your web page, google can’t read content on images or at pics.
Clean and Validated Code
Clean and validate code helps google to crawl deeply, try to put content at the beginning of your web page, ignore nesting, javascript or comments, in fact try to shorten the text format with the help of external CSS.
Easy and Accessible Navigation
Text or image base navigation helps google to read, google bot can’t read javascript, dhtml, flash base navigation, try to avoid using these practices which google doesn’t like. Keep your navigation at top or left side of the web pages, make sure to add a sitemap page which will guide web surfers and web bots to each and every page of your website, if you have huge website then make sure to add at least all main categories’ links at sitemap page.
Good Interlinking of Web pages
Web links are like roads and streets at website, make sure all website’s internal links are text base or image base, with relevant content.
Healthy and Relevant Incoming Links
Google likes referred websites, specially referred from quality and relevant resources. The more referrer links the more top rankings. Here one thing should be remembered that one relevant incoming links is better than hundred irrelevant links.
Domain Age and Registered Period For
Google started keeping new registered domains in sandbox since April 2004, in sandbox almost all new domains kept on probationary period for 6 to 8 months, in some cases for longer period, Sandbox domains don’t get good rankings.
Google also likes to rank better to those domains which are registered for longer period like for 5 or 10 years, because whoever registered domains for longer period shows how much s/he is serious with her/his business and most probably won’t do SPAM with those domains.
Same Contacts at Site and Domain Registration
Google likes true businessmen and a true businessman doesn’t misguide his website visitors, google likes those websites which have physical mailing address to their contact pages and google compares it with that physical mailing address which is used in domain registering.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
MaxBounty Affiliate Marketing Network Review
So I have been a member of the MaxBounty network for about 6 months and although it gets a lot of praise for being one of the top networks I unfortunately disagree. That does not mean I completely dislike the network but I believe better exists.
To start off I would like to inform you of the aspects and features of the network that I do like. The advertisers in the network provide great offers to promote and there is no shortage of offers either. In addition new offers are constantly being added so your always promoting fresh offers to your traffic or subscribers. I also like their reports and the ease of being able to run one at anytime. Another positive aspect is that payments are pretty prompt depending upon your numbers and payment methods are not lacking. Lastly the affiliate managers are friendly and helpful which is nice.
Now lets look at the dislikes of the MaxBounty network. To start off a response to an issue sent via email on a few occasions was in my opinion slow the longest being nearly 3 days too long for me. Another dislike of the network is the reporting system I feel may not be accurate so if you choose to join always use your own link tracking to prevent lost commissions. My final dislike involves the cancellation of offers which I have found to be somewhat to frequent and I don't enjoy receiving a cancellation notice after spending hours creating a video, landing page or spending cash on a pay per click campaign it and after a few instances it can be very frustrating to say the least
So there you have it my unbiased review of the MaxBounty affiliate network. You never know your experience may differ from mine so by all mean apply and check it out for yourself. Join Here !
**Update as of Jan 2016**
Have yet to earn a commission check from the Max Bounty advertising network and still think their reporting is not accurate but I am finding this to be a common issue with just about every CPA, PPD, PPI, or any other type of affiliate network that I promote offers for. So my advice to asll if you plan to seriously promote offers for any advertising network or currently are make sure track your own traffic and conversions because by not doing so your giving these networks a freebies that you cannot contest or may not even be aware of. I know as much hard work and effort I put into creating traffic that I am not trying to just give it away.
**Update as of Jan 2016**
Have yet to earn a commission check from the Max Bounty advertising network and still think their reporting is not accurate but I am finding this to be a common issue with just about every CPA, PPD, PPI, or any other type of affiliate network that I promote offers for. So my advice to asll if you plan to seriously promote offers for any advertising network or currently are make sure track your own traffic and conversions because by not doing so your giving these networks a freebies that you cannot contest or may not even be aware of. I know as much hard work and effort I put into creating traffic that I am not trying to just give it away.
Affiliate Marketing General
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