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Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Have You Considered Using this Little-Known CPA Strategy?
You know all about driving traffic to your landing pages by using social networking to spread a buzz on platforms such as Digg, Facebook and Twitter . But have you ever considered using a social networking for more direct CPA marketing purposes?
The truth is, Facebook is one of the most under-used marketing platforms there is, judging by the lack of affiliate marketer visibility. There is so much more you can use it for than publicity for a site.
One way I use it is to create my own Facebook ads - those little ones you see in the right-hand column on your Facebook page when logged in. You'll notice they're targeted to your interests based on browsing history and Facebook makes it very easy to create these ads by virtually walking you through the process, and allowing you tons of control over the ad content.
But one other very concrete and incredibly lucrative way to make money via social networking sites or Facebook is to create a simple Facebook application - then not only reap in the rewards directly, but monetize it with strong CPA campaign offers that you choose yourself!
And before you click away with a grunt of disgust, thinking: "I'm not a programming and coding whiz", let me quickly point out 2 key factors that could make this a much more sensible suggestion than you might think!
1. Facebook really does like to make things incredibly easy for its users! You only have to decide to create an App, and - as with ad creation - it virtually walks you through the process! (Just check out the Facebook "Developers" section.)
2. If you really don't feel up to the task of creating one yourself, it's easy enough to post a project on a platform such as or fiverr, and hire someone who knows PHP or JavaScript to create one for you. Your part in the process will be really simple: Tell the hired coder what App idea you've dreamed up, negotiate parameters and price on his contract making sure he knows he's releasing all rights to you and providing a site where the App will be hosted.
After your App is up and running on Facebook ads, that's when you monetize it with your own highly-targeted CPA offer ad campaigns!
Just think of harnessing the power of Facebook and its millions of viewers - all pre-qualifying themselves by being instantly attracted to your App in the from the start, and choosing to engage. Think of your growing affiliate commissions!
And if you're still wavering, do yourself a favor and read the Wiki for further information. Because if Facebook App creation is something you're willing to invest time and commitment to, that's where the really huge commission figure potential lies!
CPA Marketing
CPA Conversion Tip: Stretch your Thinking
When driving traffic to your CPA campaigns, it's important you don't become "stale". Sure, there are several very common strategies - and they're widely used because they really work. But get yourself in the habit of thinking outside the box and around the corners a little. If you're the sort of marketer who likes to know the what and how, get into the habit of looking for the "why" too.
Sometimes that "why" can spark brand new, truly unique ideas - new twists on old methods. And anything truly unique can really increase your CPA profits.
For example, instead of considering different methods of cross-promotion separately, let's link them..
Take your social networking. You can drive targeted site visitors to your landing pages, blogs and article using more than just Facebook and Twitter. Don't forget that Squidoo and Hub pages are social networks too. Some folk have gotten creative with Stumbleupon; yet others have found new networks such as FriendFeed.
And then there are other methods, such as video marketing too.
But whenever and wherever you are promoting your campaigns, never lose sight of one small but breathtaking fact: Every time you put out another promotion method - another article, video or Hub page - you are linking back from powerful, top search engine favored sources to your landing page. That is some pretty powerful back-linking!
So don't just settle on one or two methods of promotion. Cross promote all you can - in as many areas as you can cover. Not only will you reach more potential targeted visitors... you'll boost your position and page rank, quite naturally and quickly, in Google too.
CPA Marketing
CPA Affiliates: What your Advertiser Wants
In articles and reports geared towards CPA affiliates, the focus is naturally on the results the affiliate wants. But getting inside the mind of the advertiser who is ultimately paying your commission is an exercise every CPA affiliate should consider. Understanding the desired outcome for the advertiser - and how it works from his end - may give you a better understanding of your own marketing campaigns.
The Way an Advertiser Sets Up his Campaign
Advertisers can choose whether or not they would like to pay per click, per lead or per acquisition - in other word, you make them a sale. If you don't achieve your goal, it's no skin off the advertiser's nose. He doesn't pay you a penny: However, he is paying the CPA network a substantial sum.
That means the advertiser doesn't particularly care about you personally - or guarantees that he even knows you exist. All your pressure will come from the CPA network - that is, from your CPA affiliate rep or manager. The pressure isn't negative, but he will expect you to keep him in the loop if you are having problems. And he will have solutions, suggestions and resources you should take full advantage of.
But if you consistently produce inadequate traffic and results, you may be dropped.
Is the Advertiser Just Concerned with a Sale?
The advertiser may be using CPA ads much the way you would use a PPC campaign to bring quick traffic to your landing page or site: To test how well a particular ad converts on a small scale, before launching a no-holds-barred campaign. He'll be able to guesstimate fairly accurately how well his new product is going to do, if he launches his his campaign again on a large scale.
He may also be looking to leave no stone unturned, adding CPA to other methods to boost the results. It may not be his primary campaign strategy. And because you are only paid for results, this is a "no risk" way for him to use your services and efforts. As you yourself would do with a PPC ad, the advertiser is able to set limits on his campaigns too.
But rather than worrying about either the CPA network and its rep, or the Advertiser you are driving traffic to, your main focus should always be on one goal: Targeting and honing in your focus, so that every site visitor who wanders in, by chance or by strategy, is highly motivated to click on your CPA ad.
After all, the risk is on your side: No lead generation or sales (depending on what ad campaign you choose) - and no payment for you.
The advertiser doesn't stand to lose a thing.
CPA Marketing
3 CPA Tips for Top Conversions
True entrepreneurs are always looking for those little one-tiny-step-further tweaks that make a difference. And sometimes the difference after using even one of these seemingly-simple refinements is huge, turning a weak CPA campaign into a strong one.
Here are 3 staple tips that can rock your campaigns:
1. Don't just write reviews - write reviews comparing 2 similar products. Make sure one product is higher ticket, and one entry-level affordable. Honestly give the pros and cons of each - but using the cons wisely, to both pre-qualify and disqualify your visitors, so you're left with only the ones that will really appreciate everything you provide.
That way, you double your chances of having them click on your affiliate links for those two products... and you're encouraging them to click on your CPA ads too!
2. Don't just put your CPA ads in widgets - put them right within the body of highly relevant blog posts. When the campaign ends, it's easy just to delete the ads out of the post altogether - particularly if you didn't make them part of the post text itself. Many marketers have reported good results with this non-conventional placement.
3. Always check out your competition. Many new (and not so new) marketers skip this step - but that's rather like going to the ball game without any tickets: If it's a really important ball game, your chances of getting in the box office are hit-and-miss, at best. (You'd probably lose money, paying a scalper for tickets you could have easily reserved in advance.)
One of the easiest ways to check out your competition involves not just looking at the first few sites that come up when you Google your long-tailed keyword, but looking to see if there are any paid ads in separate sidebars to the right of your Google page, or up top. Then visit them. See what you're up against.
These are by no means "supertips" - but you'd be surprised how often they're ignored by people who should really know better!
Make them a habitual part of your CPA campaigns, and watch your profits increase!
Here are 3 staple tips that can rock your campaigns:
1. Don't just write reviews - write reviews comparing 2 similar products. Make sure one product is higher ticket, and one entry-level affordable. Honestly give the pros and cons of each - but using the cons wisely, to both pre-qualify and disqualify your visitors, so you're left with only the ones that will really appreciate everything you provide.
That way, you double your chances of having them click on your affiliate links for those two products... and you're encouraging them to click on your CPA ads too!
2. Don't just put your CPA ads in widgets - put them right within the body of highly relevant blog posts. When the campaign ends, it's easy just to delete the ads out of the post altogether - particularly if you didn't make them part of the post text itself. Many marketers have reported good results with this non-conventional placement.
3. Always check out your competition. Many new (and not so new) marketers skip this step - but that's rather like going to the ball game without any tickets: If it's a really important ball game, your chances of getting in the box office are hit-and-miss, at best. (You'd probably lose money, paying a scalper for tickets you could have easily reserved in advance.)
One of the easiest ways to check out your competition involves not just looking at the first few sites that come up when you Google your long-tailed keyword, but looking to see if there are any paid ads in separate sidebars to the right of your Google page, or up top. Then visit them. See what you're up against.
These are by no means "supertips" - but you'd be surprised how often they're ignored by people who should really know better!
Make them a habitual part of your CPA campaigns, and watch your profits increase!
CPA Marketing
Two hidden pitfalls to CPA marketing
There are two hidden pitfalls to CPA marketing that you really have to be wary about. One that may surprise you occurs as a result of your CPA network itself. (Yes. You would really think they'd know better!) I'm talking about pop-ups...
The problem arises because many CPA networks use a specific set up that automatically generates pop-ups. The only problem is, if you're using Google PPC ads, you'll run into a conflict, as pop-up windows are not allowed as a promotion tool by Google PPC.
There's a simple fix: Log into your account and disable the pop-ups, using the "Tools" tab.
But what do you do when the pop-up window is right on the Advertiser's actual landing page itself?
That's when the good relationship you're going to have with your CPA Network rep comes in handy. Simply contact her, explain your monetizing your promotion with PPC, and ask for a link without the pop-up box. Usually, this does the trick
And Speaking of Landing Pages...
When you check out an advertiser's landing page, look hard to see if he has properly targeted for his topic and keywords. After all, there is absolutely no point in you sending him a flood of great, targeted traffic from your end if each and every one of them bails when they hit his poorly-targeted and market-researched landing page.
In fact, this can actually backfire on you. Even if you're only driving traffic as lead generation, and not actual sales conversions, the advertiser may be likely to blame your promotion for his lack of conversions. And if he isn't expert enough to target properly for the right traffic, that amateur attitude is going to carry through to not accepting responsibility for his own shortcomings.
The bad part about this? Not only have you invested a lot of time in setting up your perfectly-targeted promotion, but the people you send there will be left feeling anything from vaguely disappointed to irritated. They're less likely to visit your site again.
Worse, if the advertiser doesn't realize the lack of actual conversions is his fault - or if he's busy blaming you - he can request that you be "fired" by your CPA network from his particular campaign. Since CPA networks literally reward affiliates who drive a lot of traffic and achieve lots of great results - with anything from prizes to allowing you to negotiate a higher commission rate - negative feedback from an advertiser may affect you adversely, as far as your worth to the CPA network.
So always check out those advertiser landing pages thoroughly, and watch out for pop-ups, if you're driving traffic to your carefully-planned promotions with PPC... and you'll short-circuit and avert two common CPA dangers that many marketers simply don't know about.
The problem arises because many CPA networks use a specific set up that automatically generates pop-ups. The only problem is, if you're using Google PPC ads, you'll run into a conflict, as pop-up windows are not allowed as a promotion tool by Google PPC.
There's a simple fix: Log into your account and disable the pop-ups, using the "Tools" tab.
But what do you do when the pop-up window is right on the Advertiser's actual landing page itself?
That's when the good relationship you're going to have with your CPA Network rep comes in handy. Simply contact her, explain your monetizing your promotion with PPC, and ask for a link without the pop-up box. Usually, this does the trick
And Speaking of Landing Pages...
When you check out an advertiser's landing page, look hard to see if he has properly targeted for his topic and keywords. After all, there is absolutely no point in you sending him a flood of great, targeted traffic from your end if each and every one of them bails when they hit his poorly-targeted and market-researched landing page.
In fact, this can actually backfire on you. Even if you're only driving traffic as lead generation, and not actual sales conversions, the advertiser may be likely to blame your promotion for his lack of conversions. And if he isn't expert enough to target properly for the right traffic, that amateur attitude is going to carry through to not accepting responsibility for his own shortcomings.
The bad part about this? Not only have you invested a lot of time in setting up your perfectly-targeted promotion, but the people you send there will be left feeling anything from vaguely disappointed to irritated. They're less likely to visit your site again.
Worse, if the advertiser doesn't realize the lack of actual conversions is his fault - or if he's busy blaming you - he can request that you be "fired" by your CPA network from his particular campaign. Since CPA networks literally reward affiliates who drive a lot of traffic and achieve lots of great results - with anything from prizes to allowing you to negotiate a higher commission rate - negative feedback from an advertiser may affect you adversely, as far as your worth to the CPA network.
So always check out those advertiser landing pages thoroughly, and watch out for pop-ups, if you're driving traffic to your carefully-planned promotions with PPC... and you'll short-circuit and avert two common CPA dangers that many marketers simply don't know about.
CPA Marketing
CPA Article Marketing - Is It so Different?
There are two simple points about article marketing to drive traffic to CPA campaigns that many marketers new to CPA seem to be missing, these days.
1. Write multiple articles (or have them ghost-written for you) - but target them for no more than 3 of your highly-researched, long-tailed keywords. Driving traffic via too many keywords will weaken your effort - best to rank well, through all your article directory backlinks, for the same 1-3 (I prefer just one perfect long-tail, myself.)
2. Make sure your multiple articles all point to your main, optimized domain. For that reason alone, choose a targeted but more generic domain name, since your campaigns will change. (If you get too specific, and a campaign ends, and the only similar campaign you can find for your "" domain is a "making your own natural organic toothpaste" campaign, you'll have to start all over again with a new domain. A more generic but still targeted keyword might be something like "".)
3. Make sure your article topic is highly relevant to your advertiser's product. (I hope I don't have to mention, make sure the content is really valuable and unique, too.)
4. Focus your CPA article marketing on your strongest and best-converting CPA campaigns first! It's better to put all your eggs in that basket, in this particular instance. Don't dilute your efforts and knock yourself out by trying to write articles for too many campaigns at once.
5. As with regular article marketing, make particularly sure your main keyword is in your article title - but don't make this a token effort. Your main goal with article title is to grab the reader's eyeballs and squeeze them. (Put less graphically, you're catching their attention and promising there's something in the article specifically for them - and that doesn't matter whether it's really valuable information or merely entertainment: You're still promising to deliver.
(Remember, if your title bores the socks of you, what is it going to do to your potential readers?)
6. Remember that your Resource Box (the "about me" stuff at the end of your submitted article) is your most crucial tool for converting a reader into someone who clicks through to your landing page or site! Don't just add the link to your page as an afterthought. Put as much thought (if not more) into your resource box as you would into the article content itself!
A great Resource box should:
- Not stick out like a swollen thumb: It should seem like the most natural continuation of your article
- Contain a clear and specific "call to action". E. G. "Find out 6 more ways to make your CPA articles work at my website:" - followed by your link, formatted in the exact way specified by your article directory. (And do check the guidelines - many of them have different rules and regulations!)
- Focus on the reader and his most burning needs - not on you and your accomplishments
Well, there you have it: 6 tips that can turn your CPA article marketing efforts into highly effective lasers for traffic generation!
Properly done, CPA article marketing can be one of your best sources of targeted, well-optimized traffic - and if you're a beginner, without the budget for PPC, it's a perfect substitute and place to start!
1. Write multiple articles (or have them ghost-written for you) - but target them for no more than 3 of your highly-researched, long-tailed keywords. Driving traffic via too many keywords will weaken your effort - best to rank well, through all your article directory backlinks, for the same 1-3 (I prefer just one perfect long-tail, myself.)
2. Make sure your multiple articles all point to your main, optimized domain. For that reason alone, choose a targeted but more generic domain name, since your campaigns will change. (If you get too specific, and a campaign ends, and the only similar campaign you can find for your "" domain is a "making your own natural organic toothpaste" campaign, you'll have to start all over again with a new domain. A more generic but still targeted keyword might be something like "".)
3. Make sure your article topic is highly relevant to your advertiser's product. (I hope I don't have to mention, make sure the content is really valuable and unique, too.)
4. Focus your CPA article marketing on your strongest and best-converting CPA campaigns first! It's better to put all your eggs in that basket, in this particular instance. Don't dilute your efforts and knock yourself out by trying to write articles for too many campaigns at once.
5. As with regular article marketing, make particularly sure your main keyword is in your article title - but don't make this a token effort. Your main goal with article title is to grab the reader's eyeballs and squeeze them. (Put less graphically, you're catching their attention and promising there's something in the article specifically for them - and that doesn't matter whether it's really valuable information or merely entertainment: You're still promising to deliver.
(Remember, if your title bores the socks of you, what is it going to do to your potential readers?)
6. Remember that your Resource Box (the "about me" stuff at the end of your submitted article) is your most crucial tool for converting a reader into someone who clicks through to your landing page or site! Don't just add the link to your page as an afterthought. Put as much thought (if not more) into your resource box as you would into the article content itself!
A great Resource box should:
- Not stick out like a swollen thumb: It should seem like the most natural continuation of your article
- Contain a clear and specific "call to action". E. G. "Find out 6 more ways to make your CPA articles work at my website:" - followed by your link, formatted in the exact way specified by your article directory. (And do check the guidelines - many of them have different rules and regulations!)
- Focus on the reader and his most burning needs - not on you and your accomplishments
Well, there you have it: 6 tips that can turn your CPA article marketing efforts into highly effective lasers for traffic generation!
Properly done, CPA article marketing can be one of your best sources of targeted, well-optimized traffic - and if you're a beginner, without the budget for PPC, it's a perfect substitute and place to start!
CPA Marketing
Are You Using Video Marketing with your CPA Offers?
I'd like to share with you a technique that can bring a lot of traffic to your CPA campaigns: Video marketing.
I know, I know. You've heard it all before. But how many times have you personally been annoyed by some token video that promised information about a subject you desperately needed to know... only to discover that the promising-looking video was little more than a crudely made "how to" that didn't give you enough detail to tie your shoe. It was just a blatant billboard for someone's marketing offer.
That's how not to do it!
(The worst one I ever saw was a single, still screen shot of a product page, which stayed on the screen for all of 3 minutes, with background music playing. Needless to say, I never did click on the blatantly-advertised link!)
How To Make People Want More
The trick, of course, is to provide a video that really helps your visitor out, and gives her something she really needs - right now! And then upload it to YouTube with your best targeted keywords.
For that, you need to thoroughly know your target market - the exact person you'd like to click on your CPA ad!
Then answer that burning question they've been repeating in all the forums you check (or on Facebook or Twitter!) Take the first rule of good marketing, and fill that big, gaping hole, left by all the other marketers who sell what that visitor needs.
But there's one more step you have to remember (and it's easy to get so excited, if you're new to CPA marketing, that you forget this step!) Be sure to provide a prominent link to your website or blog at the end of the video. And be sure it stays on the screen long enough to read it and jot it down in Notepad (but not as long as that 3 minute video that left me so entertained and outraged!)
Yes, let's be up-front about this - you do risk the person being so excited that they rush off to complete the project you just gave them the missing piece for: But don't worry. The next time they want any information on that subject, they're going to think about you - and find your video again. Even if the particular campaign you were hoping to drive traffic to has ended, you'll have another relevant one on your site for them to click on, when they visit.
Videos Have Great Viral Marketing Potential
The other factor that makes this strategy more than a shot in the proverbial darkness lies in the fact that your video has real potential of going viral, if it's an especially good one. That way, even if you only get a small percentage of click-throughs and action completion on your CPA ads, that "small percentage" has the potential to bring you powerful results!
So don't underestimate the power of video marketing, when it comes to driving your CPA promotions.
You may reap the rewards in traffic, subscribers, a real increase in your web "presence" and authority - and in your CPA profits!
I know, I know. You've heard it all before. But how many times have you personally been annoyed by some token video that promised information about a subject you desperately needed to know... only to discover that the promising-looking video was little more than a crudely made "how to" that didn't give you enough detail to tie your shoe. It was just a blatant billboard for someone's marketing offer.
That's how not to do it!
(The worst one I ever saw was a single, still screen shot of a product page, which stayed on the screen for all of 3 minutes, with background music playing. Needless to say, I never did click on the blatantly-advertised link!)
How To Make People Want More
The trick, of course, is to provide a video that really helps your visitor out, and gives her something she really needs - right now! And then upload it to YouTube with your best targeted keywords.
For that, you need to thoroughly know your target market - the exact person you'd like to click on your CPA ad!
Then answer that burning question they've been repeating in all the forums you check (or on Facebook or Twitter!) Take the first rule of good marketing, and fill that big, gaping hole, left by all the other marketers who sell what that visitor needs.
But there's one more step you have to remember (and it's easy to get so excited, if you're new to CPA marketing, that you forget this step!) Be sure to provide a prominent link to your website or blog at the end of the video. And be sure it stays on the screen long enough to read it and jot it down in Notepad (but not as long as that 3 minute video that left me so entertained and outraged!)
Yes, let's be up-front about this - you do risk the person being so excited that they rush off to complete the project you just gave them the missing piece for: But don't worry. The next time they want any information on that subject, they're going to think about you - and find your video again. Even if the particular campaign you were hoping to drive traffic to has ended, you'll have another relevant one on your site for them to click on, when they visit.
Videos Have Great Viral Marketing Potential
The other factor that makes this strategy more than a shot in the proverbial darkness lies in the fact that your video has real potential of going viral, if it's an especially good one. That way, even if you only get a small percentage of click-throughs and action completion on your CPA ads, that "small percentage" has the potential to bring you powerful results!
So don't underestimate the power of video marketing, when it comes to driving your CPA promotions.
You may reap the rewards in traffic, subscribers, a real increase in your web "presence" and authority - and in your CPA profits!
CPA Marketing
High Cash Producing Offers
It's true that certain campaigns bring bigger and better results than others - but there's one other type of offer many new CPA marketers automatically overlook. And for a very good reason. Many new CPA marketers have been told - and quite correctly - that new offers are unproven offers, with no
guarantee of result.
However, there is one method you can use, when deciding whether or not to pick up a new campaign. And one strong, compelling reason why you should.
Why You Should Seriously Consider Brand New Offers
If you get it right, and pick a brand new offer that is the next best trend or hot topic, you'll take full advantage of the fact that the first CPA affiliates to present a brand new campaign are the ones who make the most cash!
The trick is... how do you know which one will be a winner?
It's true that when you've been in the CPA game a while, you will develop quite a finely-tuned instinct. But until then, there's one often-successful strategy you can use - one top CPA marketers use all the time...
...Pick "hot topic" offers - the ones cashing in on the media explosion of the moment.
For example, when Michael Jackson died, the media could talk of nothing else but several days. The Twitter hash tag was in constant play. Callous though it sounds to say it, what do you want to bet that CPA offers related to Michael Jackson memorabilia would have gone through the roof, those first few days (and possibly even weeks). You can bet a lot of experienced CPA marketers made good money - especially if they found a strong Cost-Per-Acquisition type of CPA campaign, meaning a commission paid not only on leads generated, but on actual sales, too.
How to Pick the Winners
Your odds of picking hot new trending topic campaigns is actually far greater than winning the lottery... providing you engage in two new habits, and faithfully make them part of your daily routine:
1. Think like a hungry reporter: Stay on top of hot topics. Set up Google News Alerts. Check the news daily - and keep your eye on social networks to see what's swelling into the latest buzz
2. Get in to the habit of checking the offers in your CPA network database daily. (Combine it with tracking your profits, losses and stats.) Do this, and you'll be the first whose eyes fall on a hot new prospective campaign. You can have a minisite, blog or Squidoo page set up faster than the average marketer can say "affiliate niche". (Well, okay; maybe not quite that fast - but you get my point!)
One more tip: Drive traffic quickly to them with a PPC ad campaign. Of course, there's no guarantee that these brand new offers will convert, let alone become the latest crackerjack seller - but just think how much money you can actually make, if they do, and you're at the front of the crowd!
Once in a while, don't play it safe - go with your hunches, and try this strategy out. And don't forget to track it - daily.
That way, you can pull it from circulation, if it turns out to be a dud - and you will have gained hands-on experience
that will help you do better on the next brand new CPA "hot" offer.
Look for Topical offers - like Burger King and their movie release products
React quickly to new offer for maximum earnings - if you're the first especially presenting a topical offering - you
can make the most money
The one getting the offer out first makes the most money
Remove expired ones quickly
Test & track to find out what offers are making you money
CPA Marketing
Is CPA Marketing Unethical?
Once in a while, we read some comment on a blog that leaves us with the feeling that CPA marketing is sleazy or shady. It's implicit everywhere - in forum comments, blog posts and even top marketers themselves will drop the occasional negative comment that sticks to your throat like cold chicken originally fried in too much grease.
It's a serious question, that deserves some serious consideration. Especially if you're feeling uncomfortable about the whole idea of adding CPA ads to your lovingly-crafted sites.
"I don't want to be some sleazy marketer, forcing people to give up their privacy and contact information in exchange for some coupon or free sample," you protest.
And that's a really valid objection. Your reputation should be the most sacrosanct core of your marketing persona!
But think about it a moment... What are the sorts of CPA-type ads you, yourself, most notice and object to?
Yes, that's right: The sleazy ones - the ones that really do feel like they're bullying you into giving up your personal contact information, promising huge benefits you're insulted to find they don't deliver (especially after you've invested the time filling out their survey, or giving up your email address).
The other serious scenario that's of real concern: There are, in fact, a number of CPA offers that really do approach "scam" proportions. A case in point are all those "free gas card" in exchange for your contact information. When you fill in what they want, you end up either at a page that says "under construction" or "sorry, this promo has expired" - or nowhere at all.
(Note: This is not to say that all "free gas card" offers are shady - but there have been a number in the past to provoke legitimate complaints.)
Finding a page that's no longer valid, for any reason, after you've entered your personal information can be due either to:
1. Actual shady practices
2. An inexperienced marketer who hasn't bothered to remove or replace the ad when a promotion ended.
Either way, you're left with a definite bad taste in your mouth.
But What About The Good CPA Ads?
You have a choice, however. Are you going to drive traffic to your promotions at any cost, or are you going to:
1. Take time to check out promotions, to make sure that real value actually IS going to be delivered after your site visitor enters his prized contact info
2. Make sure to present only CPA offers that really do add value to your site visitor's experience - ones that seem so much a part of your website, it feels to the visitor as if you've done them a huge favor!
That's the difference between "sleazy" and "great customer service" - how much thought and care you put into presenting only what will genuinely enhance your visitor's experience, when he lands on your site.
Besides, he's a big boy (or girl). He always has the choice of whether or not to part with his email address or any other information.
And if you've done it right, your visitor will end up feeling pleased with the results - he won't feel bullied or tricked at all!
A few great CPA networks that I recommend joining are CPALEAD & MGCash.
It's a serious question, that deserves some serious consideration. Especially if you're feeling uncomfortable about the whole idea of adding CPA ads to your lovingly-crafted sites.
"I don't want to be some sleazy marketer, forcing people to give up their privacy and contact information in exchange for some coupon or free sample," you protest.
And that's a really valid objection. Your reputation should be the most sacrosanct core of your marketing persona!
But think about it a moment... What are the sorts of CPA-type ads you, yourself, most notice and object to?
Yes, that's right: The sleazy ones - the ones that really do feel like they're bullying you into giving up your personal contact information, promising huge benefits you're insulted to find they don't deliver (especially after you've invested the time filling out their survey, or giving up your email address).
The other serious scenario that's of real concern: There are, in fact, a number of CPA offers that really do approach "scam" proportions. A case in point are all those "free gas card" in exchange for your contact information. When you fill in what they want, you end up either at a page that says "under construction" or "sorry, this promo has expired" - or nowhere at all.
(Note: This is not to say that all "free gas card" offers are shady - but there have been a number in the past to provoke legitimate complaints.)
Finding a page that's no longer valid, for any reason, after you've entered your personal information can be due either to:
1. Actual shady practices
2. An inexperienced marketer who hasn't bothered to remove or replace the ad when a promotion ended.
Either way, you're left with a definite bad taste in your mouth.
But What About The Good CPA Ads?
You have a choice, however. Are you going to drive traffic to your promotions at any cost, or are you going to:
1. Take time to check out promotions, to make sure that real value actually IS going to be delivered after your site visitor enters his prized contact info
2. Make sure to present only CPA offers that really do add value to your site visitor's experience - ones that seem so much a part of your website, it feels to the visitor as if you've done them a huge favor!
That's the difference between "sleazy" and "great customer service" - how much thought and care you put into presenting only what will genuinely enhance your visitor's experience, when he lands on your site.
Besides, he's a big boy (or girl). He always has the choice of whether or not to part with his email address or any other information.
And if you've done it right, your visitor will end up feeling pleased with the results - he won't feel bullied or tricked at all!
A few great CPA networks that I recommend joining are CPALEAD & MGCash.
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