Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Have You Considered Using this Little-Known CPA Strategy?

You know all about driving traffic to your landing pages by using social networking to spread a buzz on platforms such as Digg, Facebook and Twitter . But have you ever considered using a social networking for more direct CPA marketing purposes?

The truth is, Facebook is one of the most under-used marketing platforms there is, judging by the lack of affiliate marketer visibility. There is so much more you can use it for than publicity for a site.

One way I use it is to create my own Facebook ads - those little ones you see in the right-hand column on your Facebook page when logged in.  You'll notice they're targeted to your interests based on browsing history and Facebook makes it very easy to create these ads by virtually walking you through the process, and allowing you tons of control over the ad content.

But one other very concrete and incredibly lucrative way to make money via social networking sites or Facebook is to create a simple Facebook application - then not only reap in the rewards directly, but monetize it with strong CPA campaign offers that you choose yourself!

And before you click away with a grunt of disgust, thinking: "I'm not a programming and coding whiz", let me quickly point out 2 key factors that could make this a much more sensible suggestion than you might think!

1. Facebook really does like to make things incredibly easy for its users! You only have to decide to create an App, and - as with ad creation - it virtually walks you through the process! (Just check out the Facebook "Developers" section.)

2. If you really don't feel up to the task of creating one yourself, it's easy enough to post a project on a platform such as rent-a-coder.com or fiverr, and hire someone who knows PHP or JavaScript to create one for you. Your part in the process will be really simple:  Tell the hired coder what App idea you've dreamed up, negotiate parameters and price on his contract making sure he knows he's releasing all rights to you and providing a site where the App will be hosted.

After your App is up and running on Facebook ads, that's when you monetize it with your own highly-targeted CPA offer ad campaigns!

Just think of harnessing the power of Facebook and its millions of viewers - all pre-qualifying themselves by being instantly attracted to your App in the from the start, and choosing to engage. Think of your growing affiliate commissions!

And if you're still wavering, do yourself a favor and read the Wiki for further information. Because if Facebook App creation is something you're willing to invest time and commitment to, that's where the really huge commission figure potential lies!

CPA Conversion Tip: Stretch your Thinking

When driving traffic to your CPA campaigns, it's important you don't become "stale".  Sure, there are several very common strategies - and they're widely used because they really work. But get yourself in the habit of thinking outside the box and around the corners a little. If you're the sort of marketer who likes to know the what and how, get into the habit of looking for the "why" too.

Sometimes that "why" can spark brand new, truly unique ideas - new twists on old methods. And anything truly unique can really increase your CPA profits.

For example, instead of considering different methods of cross-promotion separately, let's link them..

Take your social networking. You can drive targeted site visitors to your landing pages, blogs and article using more than just Facebook and Twitter. Don't forget that Squidoo and Hub pages are social networks too. Some folk have gotten creative with Stumbleupon; yet others have found new networks such as FriendFeed.

And then there are other methods, such as video marketing too.

But whenever and wherever you are promoting your campaigns, never lose sight of one small but breathtaking fact:  Every time you put out another promotion method - another article, video or Hub page - you are linking back from powerful, top search engine favored sources to your landing page. That is some pretty powerful back-linking!

So don't just settle on one or two methods of promotion.  Cross promote all you can - in as many areas as you can cover. Not only will you reach more potential targeted visitors... you'll boost your position and page rank, quite naturally and quickly, in Google too.